Heather Landex

Author, Food Inclusivity Mentor, Speaker

EHRB MSc Env Health

Serve More, Risk Less, Earn More

Hey, I'm Heather

Ex-food police

I have worked in hospitality, restaurants & food businesses for 20 years. I qualified in Environmental Health & quickly specialised in food 10 years ago. I have advised 1000s of food professionals in several countries, auditing/inspecting restaurants & hotels. The highlights are the 2012 Olympics, Michelin-starred restaurants & some of the world's biggest franchises.

I became vegan in early 2019 & around 6 months later suffered a spontaneous, serious allergic reaction in a hotel on a work trip.

I thought I was dying in the back of an ambulance, worried about leaving my young children motherless or at least having to give up my job & lifestyle. Later that day, at the hospital, the emergency doctor warned me that I may have a severe (deadly) milk allergy & that vegan food is a typical culprit. It's true, the FSA, UK has documented the common contamination of vegan products with milk & egg.

Milk is the most common, most deadly food allergy. It's also a very common food ingredient, often in unexpected places. The vegan claim (including trademarks) has nothing to do with milk allergy-friendliness.

14 stressful & upsetting weeks later we ruled out milk (although I am intolerant). I was already outraged & deep diving into the research, law & practical solutions to this issue. People living with food allergies are being left out, excluded & often treated really badly by the food & hospitality industry.

During the 2020 pandemic lockdown, I decided to share my logic & connect the dots for others by writing my international best seller:

"Inclusive: The New Exclusive. How The Food Service Industry Can Stop Leaving Money On The Table."

I interviewed over 50 industry experts & the surprising yet obvious discovery is that being food inclusive is extremely profitable & it is the ultimate competitive edge. Now as an independent I have permission to consult & coach about food allergies, vegans & profitability beyond the scope of traditional food safety.

Food Inclusivity - What's that?

Include those people normally excluded: People looking for plant-based or vegan, gluten-free or food allergy & intolerance friendly.

As a vegan, with allergies myself, & using my extensive experience in food businesses & law enforcement, I feel compelled, responsible & on a mission to speak & educate about food inclusivity. I want to demonstrate & help create a win-win-win for food businesses - enforcement - people with dietary preferences.

As a friendly, cheerful, solution-focused person, I'm also the ideal coach-sultant, or trainer for any professional or business intimidated by the scary & wildly varying topics of food allergies or vegans. I can explain it to people no matter their background, as I've lived it.

Choose the services you need, or build an all-inclusive package

Online Coaching

Do you need creative input on something very specific?

Food safety, allergen management, training, communication or marketing related?


Do you need to improve your systems, training, communication or marketing? Have you received a complaint? Do you want someone to audit your food business?


Do you need help training your staff, connecting with the right experts or with communication on menus, websites or allergy information?


Looking for knowledge? Are you an individual or business that wants to expand your own capabilities to serve more people, reduce risk & liability & feel confident?

International Best Seller

A copy of Heather's book is available in several formats directly here (Online Flipbook, Audiobook (via Spotify) & Paperback(s)) or via Amazon

Want to buy direct?

Get in touch if you'd like more than one copy, coaching, consulting or to buy my online coaching & programmes which usually include a copy of the book. This purchase can be requested as a discount towards other programmes when bought direct. The recommended format is online flipbook & request the audiobook as a compliment.

The book comes with free resources:

  • Launch Party Replay with Expert Guests
  • Return On Investment Calculator by MCA
  • Links to useful resources
  • Bonus Book Content
  • The Ultimate Starter Masterclass

Do you want to see how we can work together?

Book a call or send me a message through the "contact" page

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