Free Resources

Get access to: Heather Landex's free resources to accompany her international best-selling book

"Inclusive: The New Exclusive. How The Food Service Industry Can Stop Leaving Money On The Table"

Heather covers everything you need to know to attract & serve more customers, reduce risks & liability, to earn more.

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  • Preface & First Chapter of the book as Digital Flipbook - try a sample, taster.
  • Book Launch Part Replay - expert guests
  • The Ultimate Starter Mastermind - 27mins
  • Bonus chapters & content to accompany book
  • MCA's Food Inclusivity ROI Calculator
  • Links to other valuable resources


What people say about Heather

"Heather has insightful, multidisciplinary and on-trend innovative advice in safety with a focus on improving our competitive edge and confidence. She has advised us regarding adaptation to the Covid restrictions and inclusivity which matches changing market needs and priorities. I have enjoyed our consultations and recommend Heather highly as a pioneer in her niche, her input has been invaluable."

Muhammad Asif

CEO - Main Course Associates

London UK

"Heather has made us think about the impact our business has on the world we live in and through her extensive knowledge, the action we need to take to offer sustainable, plant-based menu alternatives."

James Lipscombe

Owner - The Chesterford Group of Companies

Chelmsford UK

"I've had the pleasure to work briefly & closely with Heather, where she was a guest speaker to our Hotel Management students, during our Industrial Kitchen hygiene lessons. She was very well-prepared, informative & efficient. Yet at the same time, she was charming, fun, & eager to answer any questions brought forth by the students. Heather is highly recommendable!!."

Mhairi Galloway

Lecturer Niels Brock

Copenhagen Business College

International Best Seller

A copy of Heather's book is available in several formats directly here (Online Flipbook, Audiobook (via Spotify) & Paperback(s)) or via Amazon

Want to buy direct?

Get in touch if you'd like more than one copy, coaching, consulting or to buy my online coaching & programmes which usually include a copy of the book. This purchase can be requested as a discount towards other programmes when bought direct. The recommended format is online flipbook & request the audiobook as a compliment.

The book comes with free resources:

  • Launch Party Replay with Expert Guests
  • Return On Investment Calculator by MCA
  • Links to useful resources
  • Bonus Book Content
  • The Ultimate Starter Masterclass

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