Heather Landex

Author, Food Inclusivity Mentor, Speaker

EHRB MSc Env Health

Serve More, Risk Less, Earn More

What is a well-intentioned foodie?

Someone who works in or with the food or hospitality industries & would like to learn & innovate how to:

attract & serve more customers

reduce risk & liability in terms of food safety law & customer complaints

earn more in revenue & business popularity

All by improving food inclusivity.

Food Inclusivity - What's that?

Include those people normally excluded: People looking for plant-based or vegan, gluten-free or food allergy & intolerance friendly.

Hosted by Heather:

As a vegan, with allergies myself, & using my extensive experience in food businesses & law enforcement, I feel compelled, responsible & on a mission to speak & educate about food inclusivity. I'll demonstrate the win-win-win scenario for your food business - enforcement - your customers with dietary preferences.

As a friendly, cheerful, solution-focused person, I'm also the ideal coach-sultant & trainer for any professional or business intimidated, confused or restricted by the scary & wildly varying topics of food allergies or veganism.

I can explain in simple terms to people no matter their background, as I've lived it from several perspectives.

Well Intentioned Foodies Program

What is included?

How to attract & serve more customers without changing concepts or increasing risk/liability.

Finally, understand how to serve people with dietary preferences with ease.

Bring food inclusivity to your food business in as little as 4 weeks (you choose the pace).

Go from being average to extraordinary & stand out against the competition. Impressively create loyal repeat customers & improve PR, reviews & SEO.

Online 1:1

Pre-program review

Pre-program review

Assess where you are, your current challenges & opportunities.

An online zoom consultation

Book a time to suit you in Heather's calendar

Complete a simple questionnaire 48 hours before the call.

We'll look at food safety, allergy management, menus, communication & the customer journey.

4 Online Modules


Online video modules with links, examples, exercises & Q&A opportunity throughout.

Do you need to improve your systems, training, customer journey, communication or marketing?

Do you have some undiscovered areas of genius?

These modules show you the simplest ways to attract & serve more customers, reduce risk & liability, to ultimately earn more money & business growth.

Online 1:1

Post-program review

Book a time to suit you to receive feedback directly from Heather.

Is there is anything requiring further explanation or examples?

We'll assess if there is anything to improve, more opportunities available or if there is anything you are uncertain about.

Ask for additional resources or for someone to approve your systems & communication.

The aim is to be independent of Heather from this point forward, confident & competitive, inclusive.

6 Months Online

Support & Bonuses

This is a self-paced course - food safety & allergy management fundamentals are added to the programme to ensure everyone feels confident in improving food inclusivity no matter their background, experience, prior qualifications, or business concept.

A copy of Heather's book is included (digital flipbook or audiobook).

6 Months access to ask questions, check any changes, or revisit any parts of the program to ensure your confidence & to give you the full value of the course.

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If you’re starting from a level of basic legal compliance (food safety) with an average appeal, but with big dreams of being "the most sought-after place in town.

what would that look like:

Create inclusive options on your menu
Increase safety & efficiency in the kitchen whilst training your staff to provide excellent service
Improve organic marketing, rave reviews & uniquely brilliant SEO (even if it’s just on Instagram)
Stand out on delivery apps or review sites
Serve your customers from the first point of contact, your website Google, delivery apps, social media or your high street storefront.
Understand your customer needs better than the competition, so they will exclusively buy from you.

Loyal customers will bring their friends, family & colleagues because they trust you to be kind, safe & enjoy themselves.
Feel confident in your food safety systems & processes, & make life easier for staff both front and back of the house.

Most chefs, managers & even food safety consultants have the same challenges:

They don’t understand or may even avoid customers with dietary preferences
They don’t fully understand the law, although it already intimidates them, with allergy deaths & businesses getting sued in the press.
Law changes regarding labelling add new levels of confusion & impracticallity to operations.
They turn people away, customers complain, they even report businesses to the food safety authorities, or even worse, the media.

If 1 person complains, 9 others left dissatisfied without saying anything.
Many places try new gluten-free & vegan options but no body buys & food is wasted
There’s no guidance on how to serve people safely, how to use disclaimers, advisory statements or train staff in the most simple cost-effective pragmatic manner.

Everyone is scared of liability or hurting someone.

Not understanding the free-from market or official terms such as “may contains” can put businesses & customers at risk.

If you would like to attract & serve the 40% of the population with dietary preferences currently excluded from eating out.

You’re in the right place.

Gain confidence, clarity & a competitive edge, join the Well Intentioned Foodie Program and be able to apply food inclusivity to any situation.

Attract groups, awards, positive reviews & free press.

You take care of the creative, culinary & dining experiences - & I'll show you how to overcome the legal complexities & black & white thinking of the law.

Understand the various consumer perspectives to match your good intentions with profits & success.

Be free, encourage fairness & have fun! This isn't all about law & science, it's an art.

Join me now in the WIFs Program. The most affordable way to increase profits 11.4% (ROI calculator by MCA is available inside my free resources).

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Anthea Jackson

Founder of V|EDGE
Vegan Hospitality Consulting
South Africa

“I thoroughly enjoyed the WIF programme. I went from being focused mainly on vegan inclusivity as a hospitality consultant, to feeling confident that I could help anyone in the hospitality industry navigate the issues around allergy management and become a lot more inclusive. Heather is extremely knowledgeable and delivers the content in a really fun way.”

Catherine Sharman

CEO & Founder, Nutritional Therapist, Experienced ChefAprès At Home Ltd
Nationwide UK

"Heather can help literally anyone in the hospitality business.... The experience and attention to detail Heather has is outstanding... She gives us the confidence ..... And this translates to happy and confident customers, to beautiful organic growth as our customers share our passion with their friends…Heather, you are a passionate and dynamic beauty. Thank you ☺️ Catherine"

Dennis Wilson

Founder at DeliveryBizConnect

"Heather has showed us how to add food safety enhancements into our current restaurant sales solutions which help our clients’ to improve food safety systems, ordering accuracy, improving their customer experience, avoid mistakes and reduce risk, particularly when serving dietary preferences such as allergy sufferers.

It’s always interesting discussing solutions to challenges in the restaurant industry with Heather, and to hear her experience-based examples and scenarios."

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International Best Seller

A copy of Heather's book is available in several formats directly here (Online Flipbook, Audiobook (via Spotify) & Paperback(s)) or via Amazon

Want to buy direct?

Get in touch if you'd like more than one copy, coaching, consulting or to buy my online coaching & programmes which usually include a copy of the book. This purchase can be requested as a discount towards other programmes when bought direct. The recommended format is online flipbook & request the audiobook as a compliment.

The book comes with free resources:

  • Launch Party Replay with Expert Guests
  • Return On Investment Calculator by MCA
  • Links to useful resources
  • Bonus Book Content
  • The Ultimate Starter Masterclass

Do you want to see how else we can work together?

Book a call or send me a message through the "contact" page

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